Winter Meetup Event
Wednesday 1st, Dec, 2021
Our first meet up of TASHPAB for the program. In this event, we will hear great DS and ML lectured and have time to mingle. Covered Topics will be: "D2T generation of Radiological reports", "Understanding the mechanisms, structures and outbreaks of ‘Media Storms'" and "KinderGuardian"
Time & Location
Wednesday 1st, Dec, 2021
Heseg, Tel Aviv
About the event
We are very excited to see you all at the Winter Meetup Event @ Heseg!
On our Agenda:
6:30-7:00 - Meet and Greet
7:00-7:30 - "D2T generation of Radiological Reports" (Or Shoham and Yaniv Roth, IDC)
7:30-8:20 - "Efficient Annotation of Theory Driven Concepts: Utilizing Doman Expertise and Document Embedding to Select Text for Labeling" (Dror Markus, HUJI)
8:20-8:30 - Break
8:30 - 9:00 - "KinderGuardian - Analytics, Insights and abuse Detection in Kindergartens" (Bar Cohen, IDC and Daniel Arkushin, HUJI)
9:00 - 9:15 - Closing Remarks
Looking forward to see you all!